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Latest revision as of 16:01, 24 March 2018

 ............./      /            THE LEGENDARY TIMES
 ............/      /         http://www.legendmud.org/
 .........../      /.....______.._____.....______.._____.......____
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 ....../      /_____/__/__../  \_\  /./  /__../  /.../  /./  /_/  /
 ...../ Celebrating    / /./       /./     /./  /.../  /./       /
 ..../ our 10th year  /_/..\______/./_____/./__/.../__/./_______/ MUD
 .../________________/      running on         mud.legendmud.org 9999
 VOLUME ELEVEN, NUMBER TWENTY                       October 30, 2004

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
                         The Editor's Note

                       NEWS, REPORTS, UPDATES
                         Calendar of Events
              News from the Player Relations Department
                           Recent Updates
                         Recent Q&A Topics

                 Announcing: The LegendMUD Emporium
               LegendMEET: California Style Postponed
                             CLAN NEWS
                  THE SEEKER: The Lords of Justice

                             PK Front
                  New Heavyweight Champion Crowned
                       Sandra's PK Contest!

                An Invitation to a Moonlight Soiree
                      A Word from Our Sponsor
___                                                               ___
\  |-------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                      The Editor's Note                      |__\

Some of you may have noticed that there's a hole in our Wizlist --
Cheyla has stepped down from the position of Head Builder and has
gone inactive. This decision was very difficult for her and she says
that 'Legend has been my second home since I started playing during
college. The friendships and memories I have created here have made
Legend very dear to my heart.'

We'd like to thank her again for all the hard work that she's put in
over the years. Not only did she build an Expie-winning area but then
went on to maintain multiple areas with creativity, patience and
regularity, but she also made great strides in updating/clarifying
the building docs and taking a good bit of the builder admin load off
my plate while she was Head Builder. Despite her loss of telnet
access through work, she managed to stay on top of things and provide
guidance, and inspiration. Losing a volunteer that has been so
dedicated, interested and invested in the game is definitely a hard
thing to see. We can only hope it's temporary.

Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight if you live in
an area that observes Daylight Savings Time! For the rest of you,
that means there will be a one hour adjustment when converting from
system to local time. For example, France has been system time + 7
hours. Tommorw, that will shift to system time + 8 hours.

If you forget to adjust either your clock or your conversion, you
could miss out on many of the Halloween Festivities planned for
tomorrow! There's the annual all-day Pumpkin Hunt, and all evening
there will be Trick-or-Treating after 5pm system time, with a Costume
Contest at 7pm system time followed by Ptah's annual storytelling.

I've got a stack of tokens here, with no one's names on them yet.
All you have to do to claim one, is submit your RP or PK piece and
get it published! You can visit the LT's submission form and it will
even help with basic spell checking and word counts! GMs can also
submit their clan news there.

With the purge script being restarted on Monday (in testing mode
only, don't panic yet!), you'll want to be sure your clans are ready
for when it goes back live on January 1st! We'll be posting a list of
characters that WOULD have been purged so that you can check to see
if any of yours are in danger of being lost. We don't have an exact
url for that page yet, but check the welcome board come Monday!

Have a great week and please take a few minutes to cast your votes
for LegendMUD at TopMudSites.com and MudConnector.com.

___                                                               ___
\  |-------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                LegendMUD Calendar of Events                 |__\
       [All times are system time unless otherwise specified]

                 OCTOBER                     NOVEMBER
          Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa         Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
                          1  2             1  2  3  4  5  6        
           3  4  5  6  7  8  9          7  8  9 10 11 12 13        
          10 11 12 13 14 15 16         14 15 16 17 18 19 20        
          17 18 19 20 21 22 23         21 22 23 24 25 26 27        
          24 25 26 27 28 29 30         28 29 30         

Saturday,   October   30th,   8:00 pm  Moonlight Soiree 
                                          (social gathering)
Sunday,     October   31st             Happy Halloween!
                              ALL DAY  Pumpkin Hunt              
                 5:00 pm to  11:59 pm  Trick-or-Treating 
                              7:00 pm  Costume Contest
                             10:00 pm  Storytelling with Ptah
Wednesday,  November   3rd,  2pm-10pm  PK BattleZone (HELP BATTLEZONE
                                                      for more info) 
Thursday,   November   4th,   7:30 pm  Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Wednesday,  November  10th,  2pm-10pm  PK BattleZone 
                                  7pm  PK Meeting with Sandra
Thursday,   November  11th,   7:30 pm  Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Monday,     November  15th             Sandra's PK Game 
                                          Results Available 
Wednesday,  November  17th,  2pm-10pm  PK BattleZone 
Thursday,   November  18th,   7:30 pm  Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Wednesday,  November  24th,  2pm-10pm  PK BattleZone 

Subscribe via iCal or view the calendar with any browser. 

                              ( o o )
      |   News from the                              Report |
      |  PLAYER RELATIONS  .oooO               Compiled by: |
      |    DEPARTMENT!     (   )   Oooo.   Sandra & LadyAce |
      +---------------------\ (----(   )--------------------+
                             \_)    ) /

What's coming up from the PR department? The theme this month is
CLANS 2.0! We're continuing our efforts to reach each and every clan
-- if you've gotten a note from one of us and meant to reply, now is
the time! If you haven't been contacted, your turn is coming!

Also coming in November: Sandra will be running a PK meeting. If you
have thoughts about PK, come discuss the state of the PK world on
Wednesday, November 10th, at 7pm! For those less violently inclined,
a new round of Trivia Challenge will be starting up -- this is a
10-week cumulative trivia game, with prizes each week and the chance
to qualify for the Final Showdown.  Natalia will be announcing a new
contest to help expand the types of prompts available to you, so
watch for the announcement!

During the last month, besides working with clans, PR efforts have
included Sandra's new PK game and the Semi-annual Heavyweight PK
Tournament, plus the Classic Games series, with recalltags
alternating with scavenger hunts. The Halloween festivities have been
scheduled, so check EVENTS for a full update. Players sent in
requests to immortals in all departments and areas of focus -- many
pkenables, descriptions, strings, restrings were processed this
month! We hope you're enjoying your new customizations!
___                                                               ___
\  |-------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                       Recent Updates                        |__\

    /\                      CODE UPDATES
   /  \     
  /    \    BUG FIXES
 /_    _\     o Flavor is no longer usable while fighting.
   |  |       o Group will now identify the move column correctly
   |  |       o You can no longer wake others while dancing.
   |  |       o Spelltools will now be removed properly when used.
   |__|       o Affects wearing off will no longer generate multiple
    /\          messages.
   /  \     
  /    \    
 /_    _\                 HELPFILE UPDATES
   |  |     
   |  |     General Topics
   |__|          STATUS, WEAR
   /  \     Skills
   |  |     
   |  |     Spells
  /    \    
 /_    _\   
   |  |                     AREA UPDATES
   |  |     
   |  |     If you want to suggest specific improvements or new
   |__|     additions to existing areas please don't hesitate to
    /\      submit them with the idea/bug/typo commands or drop
   /  \     mudmail to the builder currently responsible for the area
  /    \    (check AREAINFO to find out!).
 /_    _\   
   |  |     Thanks to everyone that submitted bug/typo/idea reports!
   |  |     
   |  |     ARABIAN NIGHTS
   |__|          Thanks to those who sent a note -- the Aladdin quest
    /\           is fixed.
   /  \     
  /    \    CELTIC IRELAND
 /_    _\        Objects have a chance to sink into the bog in the
   |  |          same place as people.
   |  |     
   |__|          Shopkeepers shouldn't be selling their clothes or
    /\           their coins. Signora Lavinia teaching acts fixed.
   /  \     
  /    \    PORT OF LONDON
 /_    _\        Clarification on the nurse's teaching acts.
   |  |     
   |  |     PR
   |  |          Updates the prize machine with the contest winners.
    /\      TORTUGA
   /  \          Boucanier's aren't quite so spammy toward those that
  /    \         have been cursed.
 /_    _\   
   |  |          Puppy in the Norway should be a bit more responsive.
   |  |     
 /_    _\   SOMME
   |  |         Various minor bug and typo fixes.
   |  |     
   |  |     
   |__|                    In Progress Area Updates
   /  \     This section is intended to share what builders are 
  /    \    working on behind the scenes. It is not a perfect record
 /_    _\   of progress as all builders do not commit updates every 
   |  |     week. Badgering builders about progress gets you flogged. 
   |  |     
   |  |             Nestor        Ancient Carthage

  _______   ____    _______
 /  ___  \ / __ \  /  ___  \  Logs of Q&A sessions are available on the
 | /   \ | \ \/ /  | /   \ |  the web pages for those who are unable to
 | |   | |  \  /   | \___/ |  attend or had to leave early. The most 
 | |   | |  /  \/\ |  ___  |  recent ones are listed on the sitemap page
 | | /\| | / /\  / | /   \ |  or you can get a complete list on the Q&A
 | \_\ \ | \ \/  \ | \   / |  index page at the url below.
  \___\/_/  \__/\/ \_/   \_|


Yes, there's still a backlog of them to be cleaned up (they're the
ones that don't have topics listed in the index) but they're posted!

                            RECENT TOPICS

o What's Up With Ticks Now?             o Is Carthage Done? 
o If you can mail a clan, why not GM?   o Any Plans for New Skills? 
o London Expansion? Other Area Updates? o Min Level for Inferno? 
o Reqs for Disguise too High?           o Do Disguise Tools Exist? 
o LT & Departmental Columns             o Recalltag fixed now? 
o What do I do with Ideas?              o Phantom DT Issues 
o Kudos on Spellbooks                   o LegendMUD Bumperstickers? 
o Steal Poultices from Corpses?         o Bash Setting Priority? 
o Rent & Materials                      o ETA on OBJ Templates? 
o Headbutt Overpowered?                 o Updates on Hell? 
o Getting rid of Matchmaker?            o Spell Idea? 
o Deafness and Status                   o Secondary Attack Items? 
o Combat Stance Idea                    o Drinking & Tickless Change? 
o Innate Defense                        o Charmies Getting Blocked? 
o Redeem & In-Game Advantages           o Why WFW's Nerfed? 
o Penalties for Killing Trans Mobs      o PK Legality Issues                    
___                                                               ___
\  |-------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|  LEGENDITES: Information Regarding the People of Our World  |__\

      ||=====\\__//=====||   Announcing: The LegendMUD Emporium
      |j___   `--'   ___|j
          |mud.      |                    at...
          |_______org|        http://www.cafepress.com/legendmud

Ever wanted a t-shirt with the Legend name on it? Ever felt the need
for a real Shadowlands lunchbox? Looking for a gift for that special
someone? You might be interested in the results of our new project,
located at http://www.cafepress.com/legendmud! This 'store' is a way
to get LegendMUD-printed gear -- check it out and let us know what
you think! Have ideas for items that you think should be added? Let
us know! Our use of this service is a work in progress, and we want
it to reflect what you want.

We have the site set up so that it doesn't earn any profit -- if you
decide to do some shopping, it's the cheapest it can be, and we don't
have to worry about taxes and lawyers and stuff. Check it out!



                 LegendMEET: California Style Update

            The MudMeet in California has been postponed!

This is due to the fact that Trance and I are becoming Certified
Foster Care Givers, and we will be getting a kid (one of our
daughter's friends who has a Mother that isn't).

At the end of this week or the beginning of next week, we have been
informed to expect unexpected spot checks since we are new to the
system. And we are both unwilling to risk a spot check during that
weekend. As we are both sure it would be construed as a Party, by
either a Representative of the court or the county.

And both of us are in agreement that the Kid is more important.

We will reschedule the Meet as soon as things are settled down around

Primal and Trance
  ___                                                          ___ 
  \  |--------------------------------------------------------|  /
  /__|                     Clan News                          |__\

      ----------.................._____________  _  .-.
  THE SEEKER                          _____.. . .   | |
                   _____....------""""             uuuuu
 ____....------""""                                |===|
            a weekly column                        |===|
            on the clans of Legend                 |===|
 _a:f____________________________________________ .[__N]. _______

The wind was whipping through the trees when this reporter knocked
upon a solid wooden door deep in the forest. A dignified but spirited
young woman ushered me inside the hall of the Lords of Justice. We
sat in a cozy room, hung with tapestries, and drew near the fire to
evade the autumn chill. The room began to fill with an assortment of
dignified and dedicated yet highly varied individuals -- a rather
knightly-looking man, a barbarian, a fellow in Roman armor, and a sly
fellow who stayed in the shadows.

I began by asking the assembled how their alliance had come to be
formed. Dharma recounted the history of the clan as beginning with
work by Brutus, who had brought together 'a band of like minded
individuals all dedicated in some way to bringing justice to the
world'. However, Vendetta quickly pointed out: 'Although justice is
the main focus of our group, there are differences among our own
definitions of justice, according to where each one of us comes

Intrigued by the notion that a group could be bound entirely by
philosophy rather than religion, heritage, or occupation, I asked who
their enemies were. Dharma's reply was immediate: 'All enemies of
justice, but specifically those despicable Grendels.' Geraden
immediately agreed, Vendetta added the evil Ritter to their enemy
list, and Galactus earned a few chuckles with his reply:
'Alcoholism.' He explained that 'if it weren't for the Lords of
Justice, I would still be somewhere with the Danes drinking away my
life.' Certainly a sobering thought!

Their certainty made me curious, and so I inquired, 'How do you
determine whether someone is in need of your Justice?' The response
was just as immediate. From Galactus: 'If they so happen to fall on
the blade of my axe!' Dharma explained: 'If for instance a Grendel
has been around in the last 20 minutes, someone probably needs
justice.' Geraden clarified, 'It probably comes down to the code of
justice from our personal backgrounds.' Dharma explained that while
her karma is the most important guiding factor for her, Geraden is
guided by his sense of honor, Brutus seeks the glory of Rome, and
other clan members similarly follow their own code. Vendetta,
mysteriously, explained that he was guided not only by his moral
beliefs, but by a voice -- and then his own voice trailed off.

At this point, however, our conversation was interrupted by a knock
on the door signaling the arrival of my co-investigator for this
story, and by the battle cries of Brutus, who was settling an
argument (rather decisively) with a fellow named Allegory. Then the
group detected the proximity of another enemy -- Molath -- and they
selected one of their number to go on the attack. With all this
action in just a short span of time, this is definitely the group to
watch -- and watch for the next installment of this article!

Your faithful clan reporter,


There are currently 19 RP clans and 3 PK clans. This leaves open
slots for ten (10) more clans to form. For more information, read
HELP CLAN and see the clan information list via the CLANS command
while logged into the game. For a basic handbook and reference guide
for players interested in starting and running a clan, we recommend
that before you even type FORM, you visit:
  ___                                                          ___ 
  \  |--------------------------------------------------------|  /
  /__|                     PK Front                           |__\

               New Heavyweight Champion Crowned
The Semi-Annual Heavyweight PK Tournament kicked off with 18
participants -- plus the defending champ!

In round 1:
**LELU** vs Allegory                Spanish-Flea vs **GALACTUS**
**STATIC** vs New                   Colsant vs **BRUTUS**
Dharma vs **TREY**                  Jill vs **UGGABAGUGGA**
Arial vs **DUCKON**                 **CYPRI** vs Yay
**MOO** vs Burman

Lelu, Galactus, Static, Brutus, Trey, UggaBagugga, Duckon, Cypri, and
Moo advance to round 2.....

Duckon vs **STATIC**                **BRUTUS** vs Galactus
Moo vs **UGGABAGUGGA**              **TREY** vs Cypri
Lelu: takes a BYE

It was a brutal 2nd round -- at the end, Static, Brutus, UggaBagugga,
Trey, and Lelu are left standing.

Round 3 kicks off with...
Lelu vs **UGGABAGUGGA**             **TREY** vs Static
Brutus takes a BYE.

Round 4 dawned on our three remaining competitors: Brutus, Trey, and

Brutus vs **TREY**                  Ugga took a BYE

The Final was fought out Round Robin style:

**SAMMAEL** vs Ugga                 Sammael vs **TREY**
**TREY** vs UggaBagugga

               And Trey is our new heavyweight champ!


                      Sandra's PK Contest!

It looks like Vendetta and Horror are tearing up the masses. Are
you all going to let that happen!?

Sandra's Rules:

-Multikills don't count. Don't be a wuss.
-The winners are subject to Sandra's approval. If she get a lot of
 complaints about you, it sucks to be you!
-Don't complain just to complain. You're supposed to be a killer,
 suck it up and fight back, or retire and go sit in a corner.

Sandra tallies the kills every Monday for the previous week. That means
the week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. She'll also be sending
notes to those involved in fights to make sure that they were fair
fights. No response to the note means that the fight was fair. That
means the week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. Results for the
week are posted on the war board.


If you witness or commit any glorious or nefarious deeds, send a
short report to us at the LT. If you are looking for a fight,
recruiting, or anything else related to PKill (not necessarily PK
Clan related), send it in! It's free AND you'll get a prize token! Be
a celebrity, the envy of all your friends! Tick off your enemies or
just tell your side of the story! Get YOUR name up in lights! We
can't report it if you don't tell us!
             /                       \
        o O | Wonder what folks are   |
  `\|||/    | doing over at LegendMUD?|
   (o o)     \_______________________/

                An Invitation to a Moonlight Soiree

An ecru notecard reads:

All who would enjoy the pleasures of fine company and fine dining in
the delightful surroundings of a forest pavilion are invited to
attend the upcoming Moonlight Soiree.

             This social gathering will commence:

                   Saturday, October 30th

                          8:00 pm

   Beside the mill, amid the birch and alder trees, Kleinstadt. 


                     A Word from Our Sponsor: 

Allow me to introduce myself to those of you not yet fortunate to be
met by me. I am Volker, minstrel extrordinaire, entertainer of kings
and enchanter of women. As of late, my rambles have brought me to the
small and rather provincial little town of Klein. While the burg is
too small for a musician of my gifts, it has a certain charm which I
have found inspirational. I encourage you to seek me out, and
experience the wonders my muse has wrought!  Certainly I am not one
to brag, but so powerful are my lyrics and musical gift that many a
man's reputation has changed completely on the turn of one of my
phrases! If you are in need of just such a change in reputation,
perhaps I may be of assistance. If your reputation holds no interest
for you, I can also provide cultured and stately entertainment during
your next event or a bawdy and rollicking jig to dance to while

  The Legendary Times is published by the immortals of LegendMUD.
Please send replies, additions, or corrections to [email protected]
for inclusion in the next issue. All subscription options are handled
at: www.legendmud.org/lists/listinfo/legendarytimes and submissions
at: www.legendmud.org/Community/ltsubmission.php. For RP submissions,
copyright ownership remains with the author. We do reserve the right
to moderate the forum and edit or reject any submission.