Volume Eight Issue Twenty-Five

From The Legendary Times
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 ............./     /            THE LEGENDARY TIMES 
 ............/     /             
 .........../     /.....______.._____.....______.._____.......____
 ........../     /...../     /./     \.../     /./     \...../    \
 ........./     /...../  ___/./  ____/../  ___/./  __.  \.../  /\  \
 ......../     /...../  /_.../  /....../  /_.../  /..\   >./  /./  /
 ......./     /...../  __/../  /____../  __/../  /.../  /./  /./  /
 ....../     /_____/__/__../  \_\  /./  /__../  /.../  /./  /_/  /
 ...../               / /./       /./     /./  /.../  /./       /
 ..../               /_/..\______/./_____/./__/.../__/./_______/ MUD
 .../________________/      running on         mud.legendmud.org 9999
http://www.legendmud.org/                       ftp://ftp.legendmud.org/pub
VOLUME EIGHT, NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE                          November 19, 2001

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

                          NEWS, REPORTS, UPDATES 
                             Recent Updates
                              Q & A Topics

                            Pravus Scientia

___                                                                        ___
\  |----------------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|  News, Reports, and Updates!                                         |__\

    /\                          RECENT UPDATES
   /  \   
  /    \                         CODE UPDATES
 /_    _\   
   |  |     Bug Fixes
   |  |       o "a wench bounces at 2.foo" should no longer have the 2.
   |  |     
   |__|     Typo Fixes
    /\        o recall spell message
   /  \       o missing period in headbutt message
  /    \      o missing line breaks added in empathy, brew and make
 /_    _\       poultice
   |  |     
   |  |                          AREA UPDATES
   |  |     
   |__|     If you want to suggest specific improvements or new additions
    /\      to existing areas please don't hesitate to submit them with
   /  \     the idea/bug/typo commands or drop mudmail to the builder
  /    \    responsible for the area (check areainfo to find out!)
 /_    _\   
   |  |                      Installed Area Updates
   |  |     
   |  |     ARABIAN NIGHTS
   |__|       Should fix problem with getting only one wish.
    /\      BEOWULF
   /  \       Smith shouldn't be so picky about the order in which you
  /    \      give him things.
 /_    _\   CELTIC IRELAND
   |  |       Marks the exits around the wolves' den a bit more clearly.
   |  |       Various bugs and typos fixed.
   |__|     PORT OF LONDON
    /\        Various bugs and typos fixed.
   /  \     
  /    \    
 /_    _\                  In Progress Area Updates
   |  |     
   |  |     This section is intended to let everyone know what builders
   |  |     are working on behind the scenes. It is not a perfect record
   |__|     of progress as all builders will not make updates every week.
    /\      Players badgering builders about progress or a perceived lack
   /  \     thereof will be flogged. Remember, the longer spent answering
  /    \    questions, the longer the project takes to complete.
 /_    _\   
   |  |             Kae          Larderello (Dante's Hell)
   |  |             Kae          OOC Library Project
   |  |             Kaige/Ptah   1950s Americana

  _______   ____    _______
 /  ___  \ / __ \  /  ___  \  Logs of Q&A sessions are available on the
 | /   \ | \ \/ /  | /   \ |  web pages for those who are unable to attend
 | |   | |  \  /   | \___/ |  or had to leave early. The most recent ones
 | |   | |  /  \/\ |  ___  |  are listed on the sitemap page or you can
 | | /\| | / /\  / | /   \ |  get a complete list on the Q&A index page
 | \_\ \ | \ \/  \ | \   / |  at the url below.
  \___\/_/  \__/\/ \_/   \_|
                               RECENT TOPICS
 o Outcast with Timer?               o Feedback on Bug Reports & Ideas
 o Not Many Changes Recently?        o Make Staff Staves?
 o SkillTrees?                       o Eloquence & Inspire?
 o Balm Changes Coming?              o Imms "Helping" Players?
 o Zips & Others/Clans RP?           o Hunger Bug Fixed?
 o Handedness Problem?               o What's with the Lag?
 o Love Social Obj Message?


          /                        \
      o O | Wonder what folks are   |
 `\|||/   | doing over at LegendMUD?|
 (o o)    \________________________/

  ___                                                                  ___
  \ |------------------------------------------------------------------| /
  /__|  LEGENDITES: Information Regarding the People of Our World     |__\


MoiraGwyn has reached 100 million experience!

Bella and Sandman are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Antonio
Santiago. Join them in welcoming this wonderful baby boy to our world!


                              Pravus Scientia

There has been growing concern amongst many people that I talk to of late
that what I do is evil or that it is unnatural, and that I am against god.
This is simply not the case! I simply intend to improve on what god granted
us, if that means the removal of a limb, or the attachment of a better more
healthy body part then so be it, for what harm am I doing by simply
investigating further anatomy?

Some of you may be familiar with my research and some may not, so I will
attempt to summarize the last three years of work here in a simple manner.

I originally worked towards returning the dead to life via a formulae of my
own devising, this worked well and although many of my 'reanimations' were
rather dull headed or spastic at times I consider this the first and most
vital step along my way, once I spent a considerable amount of time with this
formulae I began pondering what other medical uses it might have and so I
began constructing various things of the parts of bodies I dealt with, this
too proved most enlightening and showed me that consciousness resides in all
cells of the body not simply the brain as some others might lead us to

And now with these two great achievements I have been attempting to create an
entire new form of life from parts, which I have slowly been collecting, but
the lack of input from the public leads me to believe that I am being
ostracised for some crime against nature or some other nonsense, I forget too
often the ramblings and cursings I have thrown at me by the 'pure'.

And so because my task of collecting the requisite parts for my creation has
been so difficult I ask that should anyone with any medical, occult,
magickal, or necromantic experience wish to aid me in my endeavour please
feel free to send me some form of note detailing what you can help with.

Because so many have called what I do evil, I am calling this new team of
scientists and magicians 'Pravus Scientia' which is rather crude latin for
Evil Science or Evil Knowledge or some other such ancient simplicity.

For those curious about why I would gather such a band, no we will not be
calling ourselves a 'clan' or forming in some horrid bloodbath to slay all
those around us, we are simply like minded enthusiastic individuals who would
like to support one another through conversation, research and experience.

While we will not be a gang, clan, or other organised sect I will be offering
those who contact me the use of my meagre laboratory in my rather abandoned

I look forward to hearing from any interested parties.

Dr. Herbert West.

Legendary Times is published by the immortals of LegendMUD. Please send
all replies, additions, or corrections to our address at [email protected]
for inclusion in the next edition. We, however, reserve the right to
moderate this discussion, and may object to some submissions.