December 4, 2013 Issue

From The Legendary Times
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                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

                          A Note from the Editor

                          UPDATES FROM THE STAFF:
                               Our Downtime
                              Upcoming Events

                               PLAYER NEWS:
                             XP Achievements
                                Clan News
                             The Pkill Front

                            Player Submissions:
                             Carthage & Women
                               Trust Issues

                           A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR

Included in this issue are a few RP articles, our upcoming events, as well as
a note concerning our recent downtime.



___                                                                     ___
\  |-------------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                       Updates from the Staff                      |__\
                              Legend's Downtime
Legend is finally back after being out of commission for a little over a
month. Updates on the issues at hand were posted regularly on our Facebook
page, but for those of you who aren't part of that, here's what happened:

Lorenzo's ISP had an outage, which caused a little bit of downtime for us.
Immediately after this, the router went kaput, so we were down even longer
due to that. It was here that it was decided that we would move to Cloud
service, so Lorenzo had to not only move Legend to that, but update the code
as well.

Thankfully we're back. Housing and clan files were reverted back to the ones
from October 28th. Housing cost has temporarily been turned off, as well as
the clan timers. These aren't permanent things, however, so please rejoin us
as soon as you can.

                        LegendMUD Calendar of Events
           [All times are system time unless otherwise specified]

                                December 2013 
                            Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
                             1  2  3  4  5  6  7
                             8  9 10 11 12 13 14
                            15 16 17 18 19 20 21
                            22 23 24 25 26 27 28
                            29 30 31

Sunday, December 1 - All Day - Hell Gnome Hunt
     - Hunt continued through Thursday - 
Saturday/Sunday, December 7/8 - Details TBA - Hide 'n' Seek w/ Nero
Wednesday, December 11 - 8pm - Holiday Werewolf

Other holiday activities are TBA as Lamia has cruel bosses who don't let her 
know her schedule over the Christmas holiday until it's far too late in to the
month to be useful.

___                                                                      ___
\  |--------------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                            Player News                             |__\

                              XP ACHIEVEMENTS

Poetry has reached 100 million experience!


                                  CLAN NEWS

Elemental Chaos was formed.
Soldiers of Fortune was formed.
Druid Emergency Rescue Team (DERT) was formed.


                               THE PKILL FRONT

Sadly, I don't have any PK numbers for this issue. Access to various files
and parts of our website are wonky at best right now, due to the move to the

Keep killing each other, though. It's fun to watch you guys and gals.


             /                       \
         o O | Wonder what folks are  |
   '\|||/    |doing over at LegendMUD?|
   (o o)     \_______________________/
__|_____|_____|_____|_____|__PLAYER SUBMISSIONS___|_____|_____|_____|_____|

Carthage & Women

'What that woman sees in Carthage, I shall never understand,' he thought. The
city, with its overpowering fish odor on the docks, to the 'nobles' who seemed
to think that perfuming themselves was a replacement for bathing, held very 
little with which enthrall him. 'But there must be something to it, Nadia 
certainly loved it.' he said aloud. 

'Are you talking to yourself again, Ravenswick?' a rich, deep voice asked, 
thick with amusement.

'Ah, Mr. Leonte. Just the man I was looking for, actually.'

'I would hope so, being you are standing on the deck of my houseboat. It was 
either me, or you and Naeva are having that affair that some always talked 

Smirking, Moris let the comment be. 'I have bad news, Ari'

Ari Leonte nodded. 'It must be, you used my name, Moris. You seem to like to 
reserve that for trying to soften unpleasantness.'

'He has escaped.' On Ari's nod, Moris chuckled. 'You knew this already?'

'It was reported the angel was a bit...distraught over something so I assumed 
something had happened.'  

'You have, obviously, not told Naeva about this.' Moris smirked, 'And have 
been out most nights since, I am guessing, either keeping watch, or setting 

Ari laughed. 'She told you that I have been out most nights, did she?'

'No, but she did come to see me, brought me something that she had found at a 
bazaar. She wanted to 'spoon' with Theresa and I.'

'She does enjoy that. Did you allow it?' Ari asked, one eyebrow arching up.

'No,' Moris smiled, 'I am protective of Theresa, and I would never wish to 
give her a reason to think that I was not completely satisfied with just her.
On the other hand, if it were her idea, I would have had less difficulty with 
the idea.'

Ari chuckled at the slow wink that the tall, slender man just gave him. 'You 
know, Ravenswick. You should be careful. I might start actually liking you.'

'It's a curse.' Moris said smirking.  His tone became more serious, however, 
with his next statement. 'Setheus did not wish to tell you this.  He claims 
that neither the locks on the doors, nor the bindings were broken or picked. 
It was as if they just... fell off the man.'

A frown formed on the face of the leather-clad 'hunter'. 'I'll have a look 
around. Has Kezia been notified?'

Moris shook his head. 'Setheus said that they were out of town, gone 
'wandering', whatever that means.'

'It means that her blood needed to travel.' Ari looked out over the water and
sighed. 'I'll find them and let them know. I'm not sure how she'll take it, 
but she needs to know.'

Nodding, Moris turned to go. 'Oh,' he said, turning slightly back toward Ari.
'I have given Naeva permission to come and 'spoon' whenever she likes, 
providing she speaks with Theresa about it.'

'I will see that she has little urge, Ravenswick.' Ari grinning, showing 
slightly elongated canines.

'You may try.' 

Moris walked away smiling, because he could feel the eyes upon him. 'Keep her
safe, Leonte.' he whispered.

'I will!' was the distant reply.


Trust Issues

'They're the worst gang ever,' Naeva muttered to herself as she ducked behind 
a newspaper rack, quickly reloading her pistol. 'Do you hear that?' she 
shouted, peeking above the rack. 'Worst. Gang. Ever.' A mafioso belonging to 
Pittsburgh's most notorious organizaation replied by firing at the French 
woman's head, the bullet missing and hitting the glass window of the newspaper
rack instead. 'See?' she called out, moving to peek around the side of the 
rack. 'You can't even hit me and I have bright pink hair!' She fired, hitting 
one of the three men targetting her in the knee. He fell, one of his 
accomplices quickly grabbing his arm and heaving him over a shoulder to cart 
him away.

'Kitten, there's no need to fight like this,' the remaining man yelled, 
casually reloading his own pistol. Naeva snorted and holstered her gun, only 
to pull a lupara from her messenger bag. After checking to verify that it was 
loaded, she moved from behind the rack.

'You're right,' she said, aiming the sawn-off shotgun at the gangster's chest.
'There's not. Now you can put down your gun and listen to my terms or I will 
absolutely ruin that pretty outfit you're wearing.'

He laughed, leveling his own pistol at her. 'You're playing with the big boys 
now and you're too far away for that toy to work.'

Shrugging, Naeva took a few steps forward, moving off the sidewalk to the 
middle of the road. The man waved his gun a bit before cocking its hammer, 
shifting his aim to her head. 'You're a twit, doll.'

Naeva couldn't help but laugh, first at the statement, then at the poor man's 
expression as he felt a rather strong hand grip his shoulder. 'She is 
attractive, yes,' a tall, light-haired man said in a low voice, leaning in 
close to the gangster.  'However, she is not stupid.' The poor man didn't get 
a chance to respond as Lord Ravenswick thrust a slim, silvery sword into the 
man's back.

By the time Moris had removed his sword from the man's body and cleaned it 
off, Naeva was standing before him, one hand on her hip, the other clutching 
her shotgun. 'I was supposed to be making terms and getting them to stop 
bothering us,' she said, waving the gun slightly as she raved at Moris. 
'Instead you kill him and so they're just going to be even bigger jerks!'

His face somewhat obscured by his hair, Moris merely stared at Naeva, his 
visible eyebrow raised in silent question. 'Just because I don't live here 
anymore doesn't mean that I can't try to doooo things!' The young woman huffed
and crossed her arms, not quite looking at Moris, which caused the taller man 
to snort softly.

'Theresa's invited you to dinner,' was all he said, sliding the sword in to 
its matching silvery cane and closing the clasp. 'Feel free to invite Leonte.'
With that he cast a wink at Naeva and strode down the street, towards Mount 

Whining softly, Naeva lingered near the body a moment longer before rushing to
grab her bag from behind the newspaper rack, then chase after Moris. Yelling 
as he rounded a corner just south of the Sixth Street bridge, Naeva sprinted, 
trying desperately to catch up to him. As she dashed across the bridge, she 
glimpsed Moris' silvery hair before he turned down a nearby alleyway. As Naeva
skidded to a stop at the entrance of the alley, she stared down it, her head 
cocked slightly. 'Moris?' she called. She received no answer and, curiosity 
overpowering common sense, she took a few steps in to the alley.

'Naeva!' She turned, frowning as she looked at Moris. 'Come here. Now.' His 
tone was urgent and he looked worried, more than Naeva had seen him before.

'I don't understand, I just saw you...' She walked to this Moris, everything 
about him perfect: hair pulled back and tied with a satiny ribbon, clothes 
pressed and immaculate, and his shoes polished to a high sheen.

He shook his head. 'A trap,' Ravenswick answered, causing her to pause.

'How do I know that you're you, then?' She crossed her arms as he slipped one 
around her shoulders, tugging her close.

'Well, Miss Trinstadt, first there is your desire to spend time with Ther--'

She held up a finger. 'Stop right there, as both of you know about that. Or he
mentioned Miss Pretty Lady. Try again. And call me by my name, damnit.' They 
stood in silence for a moment, Naeva staring up at Moris defiantly as his 
silvery eyes betrayed nothing.

'The gentleman, if one were willing to call that cad such a thing, you were 
chasing is several centimeters shorter than I and has blue eyes rather than 
the expected silver.' Moris raised a platinum brow and Naeva continued to 
stare, silent as she waited for him to continue. Another moment passed before 
Moris' resolve seemed to break. 'Insufferable she-wolf,' he muttered, removing
his arm from Naeva's shoulders. He deftly untied his cravat, glancing at the 
pink-haired woman every few seconds. Once his cravat was completely undone, he
unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt and withdrew a small locket, a 
simple heart etched in black on one side. 'If this is not enough to convince 
you, there is also the matter of the watch I keep in my right pocket. 
Certainly you can see the fob you French terror.'

Naeva pressed a hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter. 'You 
shouldn't call friends such terrible names,' she says, hardly able to control 
her laughter. 'And if you want me to see you naked, you should just say so. 
No need to get undressed in the middle of the street.'

'Come, let us walk down the alley,' Moris said, his voice as elegant as 
always, but Naeva was certain there was some huffiness to it. 'I have made 
certain the other end is blocked.' The young woman raised an eyebrow but 
shrugged, grabbing one of his hands before he could button his shirt or tie 
the cravat.

'If you say so,' she said, removing her pistol from its holster with her free 
hand as they entered the alleyway. They moved slowly, Moris seeming 
unconcerned while Naeva looked overly alert, her head turning at the slightest
sound. After a moment of creeping, Naeva squeezed Moris' hand and they stopped
their trek. She nodded to a dark corner where a shimmer of silver could be 
seen. She took aim with the handgun and fired, the silvery figure dropping. 
'Sorry, Moris,' she said, turning to her companion. He raised an eyebrow. 
Shrugging, Naeva quickly pointed the gun at his chest and pulled the trigger. 
'Ari told me to be safe, and to be safe I've gotta be 100 percent certain.'

The Legendary Times is published by the immortals of LegendMUD. Please send
replies, additions, or corrections to our address at [email protected] for
inclusion in the next edition. All subscription options are now handled at
this url: For RP
submissions, copyright ownership remains with the author. We do reserve the
right to moderate the forum and edit or reject any submission.