Volume Eleven Issue One

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 ............./      /            THE LEGENDARY TIMES
 ............/      /         http://www.legendmud.org/
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 ...../                / /./       /./     /./  /.../  /./       /
 ..../                /_/..\______/./_____/./__/.../__/./_______/ MUD
 .../________________/      running on         mud.legendmud.org 9999

 VOLUME ELEVEN, NUMBER ONE                              January 18, 2004

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
                          The Editor's Note                          

                        NEWS, REPORTS, UPDATES
                          Calendar of Events
                        Expies and Campaigning
                       Trivia Challenge Details
                            Recent Updates
                   December 2003 Connection Analysis
                          Recent Q&A Topics

                        Assassins Achievements

                             Clan News
             Hermetics And Coven Celebrate 6th Anniversaries
               OTS Celebrates 2nd Anniversary of Reforming
                     OTS Membership Quest : January

                            The PK Front
                         Attention Pkillers!
                          A Lesson In Pkill

                       Kobald: The Life So Far
                 Homeless Bees Shelter Still Adopting
___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                      The Editor's Note                          |__\

Things are starting to settle into place for me here in San Diego. Both
kids are finally in school and the number of boxes stacked throughout the
house is slowly dwindling. But things around Legend are gearing back up
as we approach the mud's 10th birthday on February 14th and Expies season

The notion that one can "enter the Expies competition" came across my
screen yesterday. My jaw dropped. "Enter the Expies"? Isn't that what
everyone has been doing through their actions all year long?

The Expies were started as a way to gather and celebrate -- each other,
essentially. We recognize and honor the contributions that other people
make that increase our fun and enrich our experience when we enjoy
LegendMUD. They started and continue to be a way for the playerbase to
recognize and thank individuals for their efforts as major contributors
to the community, be they mortal or immortals.

The categories change from year to year slightly depending on major
events throughout the year and from repeat write-in categories that
indicate a need for recognition in a specific area.

The awards ceremony is generally held around LegendMUD's birthday,
February 14th, in the OOC Auditorium. But honestly, everyone is
constantly "entering" or not with every noticeable action they take while
logged in throughout the year.

The Expies Board, or post-it notes, was established in the OOC as a place
to keep notes and point out to other people things that you come across
that you feel are noteworthy during the year. They weren't set up as a
place to toot your own horn or anyone else's in a blatant manner.

For links to the past winners, visit:


For links to previous ceremonies, visit:


___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                   LegendMUD Calendar of Events                  |__\
          [All times are system time unless otherwise specified]

                         Su M  Tu W  Th F  Sa
                                      1  2  3
                          4  5  6  7  8  9 10
                         11 12 13 14 15 16 17
                         18 19 20 21 22 23 24
                         25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Monday,    January 19,  7:00 pm             Pkill meeting in Sandra's Office
Thursday,  January 22,  7:30 pm             Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Saturday,  January 24,  2:00 pm             January Tinyplot #1
                        6:00 pm             Trivia Challenge (#3/5)
Thursday,  January 29,  7:30 pm             Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Saturday,  January 31,  2:00 pm             January Tinyplot #2 
                        6:00 pm             Trivia Challenge (#4/5)

Coming In February: 
  The Completion of the Trivia Challenge!
  Happy 10th Birthday LegendMUD! 
___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                       Expies & Campaigning                      |__\

If you plan to participate in this year's Expies in any way, whether you
expect to win an Expie or are just nominating and voting, it is
imperative that you read this.

This is a reminder of a policy first instituted last year due to activities
in the past and complaints regarding campaigning and bribery. We have
always discouraged campaigning and bribery to win an Expie as it is not
within the spirit of the Expies. Unfortunately, despite such
discouragement, it still happens.

We will disqualify nominees that participate in campaigns and utilize
bribery to win nominations and votes. Campaigning just to disqualify
someone will result in disciplinary action against the campaigner.

What constitutes campaigning? Illusions, notes, board posts, repeated
comments on channels, and other like activity in the game encouraging
people to nominate/vote a certain way. This includes campaigning both for
and against something/someone. While you are encouraged to post
suggestions on the Expie board for nominees, it is still not allowed to
use the Expie board for campagning - post the minimum required
information necessary.

What constitutes bribery? The offering of XP, coupons, strings,
equipment, quest help, money, etc to secure someone's nomination or vote.
Please report any activities of such, preferably with logs.

___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                    Trivia Challenge Details                     |__\

Here's the scoop on the upcoming Trivia Challenge!

These will be similar to past trivia games and championships, with a
few changes that I hope you'll find exciting!

- Topics List will be determined by me, 5 questions per topic,
but the topic selection will be done by the participants. So, not
all questions will be used in a given game, and unused questions
plus many more will appear as options in the next game. Topic choice
will be by random drawing of those participants in the game who have
not yet answered any questions correctly in the championship.

- Yep, it's a championship. A score placing you in the top 10
(measured by questions answered) will make you eligible for the championship
round. We're playing at the same time/date each week to try to make
it possible for the same people each week, the next championship will
fall on a different date/time to accomodate some different folks.

- Championship round is a big experiment! I hope it will be cool!
The way it works is something akin to the Bonus Round on the dumb
yet memorable gameshow, "Win Ben Stein's Money" (caveat: I think all
gameshows are dumb, but find many, including this one, memorable and
somewhat fun, particularly since they're a good excuse to yell at
the TV/radio/etc.). Anyway. The idea is that all 10 participants
will go into silent rooms -- i.e. rooms where no one can send them
tells. However, the rooms will be set up to echo to an audience room.
In the silent room, players will get 30 seconds to answer each of 10
questions, randomly chosen from the remaining unselected topics from
the game. They'll answer simultaneously, and if the question isn't
answered at the end of the time, they'll get the next question along
with everyone else -- and if it IS answered, they'll again get the next
question, along with everyone else. (This segment is clearly an
III. Championship round is a big experiment! I hope it will be cool!
The way it works is something akin to the Bonus Round on the dumb
yet memorable gameshow, "Win Ben Stein's Money" (caveat: I think all
gameshows are dumb, but find many, including this one, memorable and
somewhat fun, particularly since they're a good excuse to yell at
the TV/radio/etc.). Anyway. The idea is that all 10 participants
will go into silent rooms -- i.e. rooms where no one can send them
tells. However, the rooms will be set up to echo to an audience room.
In the silent room, players will get 30 seconds to answer each of 10
questions, randomly chosen from the remaining unselected topics from
the game. They'll answer simultaneously, and if the question isn't
answered at the end of the time, they'll get the next question along
with everyone else -- and if it IS answered, they'll again get the next
question, along with everyone else. (This segment is clearly an
experiment. Your feedback/questions on this or any other elements of
the game are quite welcome and will be very helpful to me and to your
fellow participants.)


Week 1 Totals:                         Week 2 Totals:
  Dolor: 13                              UggaBagugga: 10
  Trygve: 10                             Somar: 6
  Siachet: 8                             L'espanaya & Siachet: 5
  Lia: 3                                 Trygve: 4
  Zedikae: 2                             Jupiter: 3
  Jupiter, Daigoro, L'espanaya: 1        Bainsol & Diamanda: 2
                                         Myrthorn & Jasra: 1

Current Overall Standings:
  Trygve: 14
  Dolor & Siachet: 13
  Uggabagugga: 10
  L'espanaya & Somar: 6
  Jupiter: 4
  Lia: 3
  Bainsol, Diamanda, Zedikae: 2
  Daigoro, Myrthorn, Jasra: 1

The top 10 scores will go on to the championship next month! There's
still time for anyone to take a spot -- or be bumped out of their
spot! Tune in Saturday at 6pm mud time!
___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                        Recent Updates                           |__\

    /\                         CODE UPDATES
   /  \     
  /    \    GENERAL
 /_    _\     o Crashing bugs squashed and internal changes.  
   |  |       
   |  |     
   |  |                 HELP FILE UPDATES
    /\      Spell Topics:
   /  \          CHANT
  /    \    
 /_    _\        
   |  |                        AREA UPDATES
   |  |     
   |  |     If you want to suggest specific improvements or new additions
   |__|     to existing areas please don't hesitate to submit them with
    /\      the idea/bug/typo commands or drop a mudmail to the builder
   /  \     currently responsible for the area (check AREAINFO).
  /    \    
 /_    _\   Thanks to everyone that submitted bug/typo/idea reports!
   |  |     
   |  |     Santa has retired back to the North Pole, decorations have
   |  |     been packed away for another year, and the Christmas
   |__|     clearance sales have ended.
  /    \         Forage section added. Various bug/typo fixes.
 /_    _\   
   |  |     ANCIENT GREECE
   |  |          Lion scalp has been brought into proper spec - it is no
   |  |          no_repair but also has lower rent. Other option was to
   |__|          leave as-is and make obtainable only once. Some tweaks
    /\           to the hydra. Lotus-eater should be less likely to hand
   /  \          back an empty vial and hopefully responds better in
  /    \         general. Some response work. Various other bug/typo
 /_    _\        fixes.
   |  |     
   |  |     ARABIAN NIGHTS
   |  |          Animal control has made some attempts to reduce the
   |__|          population of stray kittens and puppies. You can drink
    /\           from the stream now.
   /  \     
  /    \    AZTECS
 /_    _\        Deer have more personality. Some quest hints added.
   |  |     
   |  |     BOSTON, MASS
   |  |          Johnny should be working as he was supposed to be.
   |__|          Various bug/typo fixes.
   /  \     THE CRUSADES
  /    \         Various bug/typo fixes. Mobs are a little more
 /_    _\        responsive.
   |  |     
   |  |          Many generic animals, fish, and birds added to Canada as
   |__|          a whole to liven up the area a bit. Annoying bug with
    /\           missing names on colonists fixed -- be sure to use
   /  \          consider, though, because some of the colonists have
  /    \         been shuffled around a bit. More dreams added. Varioius
 /_    _\        bug/typo fixes.
   |  |     
   |  |     GYPSY CARNIVAL
   |  |          The gypsies no longer play instruments they do not have.
   |__|          Various bug/typo fixes.
  /    \         The gypsies no longer play instruments they do not have.
 /_    _\        Some objects have been tweaked to bring them in spec.
   |  |          Various bug/typo fixes.
   |  |     
   |  |     LAND OF SHADOWS
   |__|          Quest rewards tweaked a little. Various bug/typo fixes.
   /  \     THE OOC
  /    \         Various bug/typo fixes, some response work.
 /_    _\   
   |  |     PORT OF LONDON
   |  |          Norton is a little less generous when making purchases.
   |  |     
   |__|     ST DENNIS ABBEY
    /\           Forage section added. Various bug/typo fixes.
   /  \     
  /    \    TORTUGA
 /_    _\        Weather should be more stable. Various bug/typo fixes.
   |  |     
   |  |          Response work. Forage & fishing sections added.
    /\      1802 ALASKA, 1820 ALASKA, 1930'S PITTSBURGH, 
   |  |     VICEROYAL LIMA
   |__|          Various bug/typo fixes.
   /  \     
  /    \                   In Progress Area Updates
 /_    _\   
   |  |     
   |  |     This section is intended to share what builders are working
   |  |     on behind the scenes. It is not a perfect record of progress
   |__|     as all builders do not commit updates every week. Badgering
    /\      builders about their progress will get you flogged.
   /  \     
  /    \    
 /_    _\        Kae      Larderello (Dante's Inferno) 
   |  |          LadyAce  Klein Update
   |  |          Nestor   Ancient Carthage 
   |  |          Piccolo  Ming China 
___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|           LegendMUD December 2003 Connection Analysis           |__\

                       Peak Mortal Players 50
                         Average Peak was 32
                    Peak PKOK Enabled Players 26
                    Peak PKE Enabled Players 8
             PKEnabled Characters represent approximately
                       7% of active players.
             PKOKenabled Characters represent approximately
                       47% of active players.

                   Peak Accept All Characters 9
             Accept All Characters represent approximately
   5% of all active characters and 11% of active pkok enabled characters.

The first two tables below show the Average Mortal Players,  Average
PKOK Enabled Players, and the number that were "Accept All" connected 
to Legend by hour of the day as polled approximately on the hour
system time during the period noted above.

The third table shows the same averages calculated by the day of week.

              hour  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
              avg  22 21 16 13 10  9  9 10 11 13 15 18
              pkok 11 10  7  5  5  4  4  4  5  5  6  8
              aas   1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
              pke   1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1

              hour 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
              avg  21 24 25 25 24 23 24 24 26 27 24 23
              pkok 10 12 12 13 13 12 11 11 12 12 11 11
              aas   1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  1
              pke   1  1  2  2  2  1  1  1  2  2  2  1

              day   MON  TUE  WED  THU  FRI  SAT  SUN
              avg    20   20   19   22   20   17   17
              pke     1    1    1    1    2    1    1
              pkok    9   10    9   10    9    8    8
              aas     0    1    1    1    0    1    0

       MON          TUE          WED          THU          FRI    
 0: 24  1 12  1| 23  1 11  0| 21  1 11  1| 23  2 11  1| 21  1 10  1
 1: 20  2  9  1| 21  0 11  0| 20  1 10  0| 23  1 10  1| 19  1  9  1
 2: 16  0  7  1| 19  1  8  0| 16  0  7  0| 17  0  6  0| 15  1  7  1
 3: 12  0  5  0| 13  0  5  0| 12  0  5  0| 13  0  4  0| 13  1  5  0
 4:  9  0  4  0| 12  0  6  0| 11  0  5  0|  9  0  4  0| 11  0  4  0
 5: 10  0  5  0| 10  1  5  1|  9  0  5  0|  7  0  4  0| 10  0  5  0
 6:  8  0  4  0| 10  0  5  0|  8  0  4  0|  9  1  5  0| 10  0  4  0
 7: 10  0  5  0| 13  0  5  0| 10  0  4  0| 10  0  5  0| 11  0  4  0
 8: 12  0  5  0| 14  0  5  0| 13  0  5  0| 13  1  6  0| 13  0  5  0
 9: 13  1  5  0| 15  1  6  0| 13  0  6  0| 16  0  7  0| 16  1  5  0
10: 15  0  4  0| 18  1  8  1| 15  1  7  0| 19  1  8  0| 16  2  7  0
11: 20  1  8  1| 18  1  8  0| 18  1  8  1| 24  1 12  0| 18  2  8  0
12: 23  1 10  0| 22  2 11  1| 21  1  9  1| 25  2 13  1| 21  1  8  0
13: 25  1 13  1| 25  2 12  1| 25  1 13  1| 28  2 15  2| 22  2 10  1
14: 24  1 12  1| 25  2 12  1| 28  2 14  1| 26  1 12  1| 24  3 13  0
15: 24  2 12  1| 26  1 14  1| 24  1 12  1| 29  2 15  1| 28  3 15  0
16: 20  1 10  0| 24  2 13  2| 24  2 13  2| 28  1 14  1| 23  3 13  1
17: 22  1 11  1| 24  2 12  3| 21  1 11  1| 26  1 12  1| 25  3 14  1
18: 26  0 11  1| 25  2 13  3| 22  1 10  1| 26  1 12  2| 25  3 13  1
19: 28  1 13  1| 28  2 13  2| 21  1 10  1| 24  1 12  2| 26  2 12  0
20: 27  2 11  1| 27  2 13  1| 23  1 10  2| 32  2 16  3| 30  2 15  1
21: 31  3 14  2| 28  2 12  1| 24  2 10  1| 31  3 15  4| 26  2 12  1
22: 28  2 13  2| 23  1 10  1| 24  3 12  1| 27  2 13  2| 21  2 10  0
23: 24  1 10  0| 23  2 12  1| 20  2 10  1| 27  1 12  1| 21  1 12  2

                           SAT          SUN
                      AVG PK OK AA|AVG PK OK AA
                    0: 23  1 13  1| 17  0  7  0
                    1: 21  1 11  0| 19  0  9  0
                    2: 16  1  8  1| 16  0  7  0
                    3: 14  1  7  0| 13  0  5  0
                    4: 11  1  6  1| 10  0  5  0
                    5:  9  1  4  1|  9  0  4  0
                    6: 10  2  5  1|  8  0  4  0
                    7:  9  0  3  0|  7  0  4  0
                    8: 10  0  3  0|  5  0  3  0
                    9: 11  0  4  0|  6  0  2  0
                   10: 13  0  5  0|  8  0  3  0
                   11: 14  0  6  0| 10  0  5  0
                   12: 17  1  8  0| 18  1  9  1
                   13: 20  1 10  1| 22  1 10  1
                   14: 21  1  9  1| 23  1 13  1
                   15: 21  1 10  1| 24  1 13  1
                   16: 22  2 12  1| 25  2 13  1
                   17: 19  2 10  2| 24  1 11  0
                   18: 18  1  7  1| 22  0 10  0
                   19: 19  1  8  1| 24  1 11  0
                   20: 21  1  8  0| 25  2  9  1
                   21: 22  1  8  1| 27  2 11  2
                   22: 21  1  9  1| 24  1 11  1
                   23: 18  1  8  0| 24  1 13  1

  _______   ____    _______
 /  ___  \ / __ \  /  ___  \  Logs of Q&A sessions are available on the
 | /   \ | \ \/ /  | /   \ |  web pages for those who are unable to attend
 | |   | |  \  /   | \___/ |  or had to leave early. The most recent ones
 | |   | |  /  \/\ |  ___  |  are listed on the sitemap page or you can
 | | /\| | / /\  / | /   \ |  get a complete list on the Q&A index page
 | \_\ \ | \ \/  \ | \   / |  at the url below.
  \___\/_/  \__/\/ \_/   \_|


                               RECENT TOPICS

 o Aux Slot Abuse? Old Eq?           o Affects & Going OOC
 o Old Eq Pulled? When?!?            o Klein Update and Klein Bonus?
 o Bardic Changes w/Surgery Changes? o Snowshoe Hare Repop Rate?
 o Bug with AC and Damaged Items?    o Weapons Spells differ with Wielder?
 o Changes for Liman Surgeons?       o Reimb a Practice past the Deadline?
 o Dress Wounds & Medicines?         o Item Sets for Combined Stats?
 o String Sets Then?                 o Is Tumble Overpowered?
 o General Suggestions/Questions

___                                                                    ___
\  |------------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|      LEGENDITES: Information Regarding the People of Our World   |__\

                 Lia has reached 100 million experience!

                         Assassins Achievements

Having led a mercenary's life for a long time, the stories of Silence's
quests reached Ibn al Sabbah, leader of the Order of Assassins in Persia.
Thus, Sabbah sent out his mercenaries to bring Silence to him and make
him a part of this secret and somewhat fanatical order. Silence
immediately became a well-respected assassin among the ranks of Sabbah's
followers. He was made a senior member and now wanders the world, doing
the bidding of his master as a dedicated and deadly hash-a-sheen.

Silence will no longer be recognized as:
Short:  a silent assassin cloaked in darkness
Long :  Shadows cloak a grim silent form standing to the side of
        everybody else.

but rather as:
Short: a dedicated and deadly hash-a-sheen
Long : Silent moving shadows reveal a dedicated servant of Ibn-al-Sabbah
       sneaking by.

     ___                                                          ___
     \  |--------------------------------------------------------|  /
     /__|                     Clan News                          |__\

The Hermetic Order and The Grand Coven celebrated their 6th anniversary
since the new clan system this past week on January 15th. The Order of
the scroll will celebrate their second anniversary since reforming on
January 20th.

Recently, Azenis posted the following on the news board!

          The Order of the Scroll (OTS) is one of the oldest
          clans. Its been now years, we are gathering the Bards
          of the world, spreading around knowledge and

          From now, we will reintroduce clanquests that are used
          for clan's applicants to proove their knowledge before
          being inducted in the Order of the Scroll.

          You will find below the details of this month
          clanquest. If you are seeking for membership in the
          OTS, completion of it is required before our members
          can vote on your application.

          The quest is however open to everyone and even non
          applicants are eligible to its rewards.

                    OTS MEMBERSHIP QUEST : JANUARY

Completion of this quest is required before Feb01 in order to be
eligible for rewards.

The goal is to demonstrate your knowledge of the word through the
acquisition of titles and items.

This month's quest requires to:

- Be the owner of a Degree in Liberal Arts.
- Bring back to an OTS member, a pack full of these items:
  o A chunk of obsidian
  o A black rose
  o An elegant golden key
  o A pitaaya fruit
  o the sacred tulsi plant
Good luck to you all :)
Azenis, Guilmaster of the Order of the Scroll.


There are currently 21 RP clans and 4 PK clans. This leaves open slots for
seven (7) more clans to form. For more information, read HELP CLAN and see
the clan information list via the CLANS command while logged into the
game. For a basic handbook and reference guide for players interested in
starting and running a clan, we recommend that before you even type FORM,
you visit: http://www.legendmud.org/Reference/gm.html.
     ___                                                          ___
     \  |--------------------------------------------------------|  /
     /__|                    The PK Front                        |__\

                         Attention Pkillers!

It's time for another pk meeting since the holidays are over, and we're
now having some more time(yea right!) for pk. The meeting will be on
Monday Jan 19th at 7pm system time in Sandra's office.

                      Hope to see you all there!


                          A Lesson in Pkill

The smell is the first thing you noticed. Before you saw her athletic
figure, before you heard her proud voice, your nose twitched, tickled by
her scent. It was not an altogether pleasant smell. A bit sour actually,
but not overpowering, spoiled, or rotten. It is the scent of sweat and
hard physical work; The scent of too much activity and not enough rest.
The kind of smell you might expect from a construction worker or laborer
but with a definite female aroma. There is a touch of iron, no blood in
the scent. An open wound perhaps. Yet for all your vaulted observational
skills and encyclopedic knowledge, you can't name that scent, her scent:
The scent of the woman you will come to know and love. You can't remember
exactly what she looked like, but you will never forget her scent.

She shouted at you with annoyance several times but it was the flying
dagger swooshing by your head that finally snapped you out of the
daydreaming trance. 'What are you looking at?' You mumbled something and
dusted yourself off. You tried to smile confidently and cool, but
apparently failed. She smiled, her friends giggled, and your friends
howled with laughter. You can't remember exactly what you looked like but
you will never her smile.

She wiped off her gear as her friend applied a bandage to a gash on her
arm. She asked if you want to have a go at her too. You nodded stupidly
in compliance not understanding at all what she meant. You figure that
spending time, any time with her must be a good thing. You turn around
and she disappears. You spin around franticly, vainly searching for her.
Pain exploded in your back as your knees buckle but not quite fall,
paralyzed in agony. A gentle teasing voice whispers in your ear. 'Are you
having fun now, lover boy?'

White lights cover your vision. Ripping and tearing sounds fill your
ears. The action happened too fast for you to understand: Poking,
stabbing, thrusting, and thrashing. You fall crumpled in a pool of your
own blood, staring up at the sky. Her silhouette, outlined by the sun
behind her like a glowing halo, the aura of an angel, stared down at you.
'Silly newbie,' she chuckled for all to hear. 'Newbie,' your
consciousness fades away, 'She even has a cute nickname for me.'


The Infernals had the most active members in the past week's PK clashes.
They were followed closely by the Grendels. The Necromaners, Underworld
and the Lords of Justice each had a pair of members out active on the
fields of battle. The Syndicate, The Order of the Scroll and the Knights
of Legend each had one member involved in pkill matters this past week.

This past week there were 45 pk-related deaths involving 30 different
characters. Of those 30 characters, 18 of them were accept all and 13 of
them were PKE at the time. There were 11 pke vs pke battles that ended in
death. There are 78 PKE characters and 906 PKOK characters. So come on,
get YOUR name up in lights! We can't report it if you don't tell us!

If you witness or commit any glorious or nefarious deeds, send a short
report to us at the LT. If you are looking for a fight, recruiting, or
anything else related to PK (not necessarily PK Clan related), send it
in! It's free AND you'll get a prize token! Be a celebrity, the envy of
all your friends! Tick off your enemies or just tell your side of the
story! The possibilities are endless -- act today!!

             /                       \
        o O | Wonder what folks are   |
  `\|||/    | doing over at LegendMUD?|
   (o o)     \_______________________/

                        Kobald: the Life So Far

Kobald was abandoned by his parents when he was only 2 years old. They
left him at an old well in Ipswich, England in the early hours of the
morning. There he lay for nearly 3 days, for these where desperate times,
and nobody wanted another mouth to feed.

He was eventually picked up by a couple on their way to London. They felt
sorry for him and took him to a centre point in London. He stayed there,
learning about Christianity and the art of magic, until he was 17, when
he left to explore the world.


                   Homeless Bees Shelter Still Adopting

Homeless and injured bees can still find shelter at the abode of Sir
Lawrence Windstrom, situated in the Alaskan wilderness. No fees charged
for adoption and medical treatment of bees, serious attempts made to find
homeless bees new and loving homes. Support your local wildlife shelter,
adopt a bee today. Please make appointment prior to visiting.

The Legendary Times is published by the immortals of LegendMUD. Please
send replies, additions, or corrections to [email protected] for inclusion
in the next issue. All subscription options are now handled at this url:
For RP submissions, copyright ownership remains with the author. We do
reserve the right to moderate the forum and edit or reject any submission.