Volume Ten Issue Eighteen

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 ............./      /            THE LEGENDARY TIMES
 ............/      /         http://www.legendmud.org/ 
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 ..../                /_/..\______/./_____/./__/.../__/./_______/ MUD
 .../________________/      running on         mud.legendmud.org 9999

 VOLUME TEN, NUMBER EIGHTEEN                                 June  1, 2003

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
                          The Editor's Note

                        NEWS, REPORTS, UPDATES
                          Calendar of Events
                            Recent Updates
                  Ancient Era Spotlight: Celtic Ireland
                           Recent Q&A Topics

                           Lost and Found

                             Clan News
                 The Legends of Alasea Disbands
        The Institute of Healing Arts Celebrates 2nd Anniversary
                         A Hot Line From Hell

                            The PK Front
                 More on that Grendel with a Heart...

          Chapter 19 section 3 of 'The unholy war' By Destroyer.
                  Excerpt from Zane's private journal:
        Royal Damsel in Distress Bares Nearly All Near Agrabah
                      Pain of Loss.. Chapter 1
                          Fire and Dreams
___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                      The Editor's Note                          |__\

Today officially kicks off our 2003 Summer Odyssey! Try to make a point of
getting off the beaten paths this summer. If you're new to exploring or
are just looking for some reassurance on how to make doing so safer, check
out HELP EXPLORING while online.

As you come to an area you haven't been to in ages, ask yourself, 'Why
don't I come here weekly?' and drop your answer in the idea channel.
Also, if you ever catch yourself thinking 'This area sucks!' STOP! Then
ask, 'Why does it suck, and how could they make it not suck?' and drop
your thoughts on what could be improved into the idea channel. As a
builder, this type of comment is invaluable, especially if there is more
to the comments than just 'This area sucks!'

Also, if you catch yourself thinking, 'Sheesh, that mob wasn't worth the
xp it gave!' Take a moment and note down why you think so on the idea

And if you find something you like, amuses you, or just strikes you as
kinda cool. Drop that in the idea channel too! Builders LIKE to hear what
they've done well too! If they find out people LIKE a certain type of
quest or action or tactic by their mobs, they're going to be more
motivated to do something like it again, or be more willing to expand on
it than if they feel no one's noticing it.

Likewise, if you think you've found a quest or know you have and are
stumped, drop in some comments on things you've tried that didn't work
and frustrated you. Chances are, the builder didn't think of these
alternate ways to solve the quest as they were building it.

Another thing you can do is, start a newbie in Arabia and/or Ireland and
give as much feedback as you can about what's good and what's hard. Don't
leave as soon as you can, but try to see how far you can get without
leaving the area. 

So, let's shed all these modern ideals and reliance upon machines and go
back to a simpler and more rustic time, where we didn't hunt and gather
all our foods from the local supermarket and join us on a journey through
time - our Summer Odyssey - to explore our world!

Have a great week! And don't forget to send in your travel stories!

___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                   LegendMUD Calendar of Events                  |__\
          [All times are system time unless otherwise specified]
                    [NOTE: new time for Q&A is 7:30 pm]
              The theme this month is Legend Summer Odyssey, 
                     focusing on the Ancient Era!
                         S  M Tu  W Th  F  S
                         1  2  3  4  5  6  7
                         8  9 10 11 12 13 14
                        15 16 17 18 19 20 21
                        22 23 24 25 26 27 28
                        29 30

Tuesday,   June 3rd          8:00 pm           Recalltag!
Thursday,  June 5th          7:30 pm           Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Saturday,  June 7th          4:00 pm           Trivia! with LadyAce
Tuesday,   June 10th         8:00 pm           Ancient Treasure Hunt
Thursday,  June 12th         7:30 pm           Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Saturday,  June 14th         noon              Level-to-five contest
Sunday,    June 15th         5:00 pm           June Tinyplot
Tuesday,   June 17th         8:00 pm           Scavenger Hunt
Thursday,  June 19th         7:30 pm           Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Thursday,  June 26th         7:30 pm           Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Saturday,  June 28th         noon              Flag Hunt
Sunday,    June 29th         5:00 pm           June PK Event, TBA
___                                                                   ___
\  |-----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|                          Recent Updates                         |__\

    /\                            CODE UPDATES
   /  \     
  /    \    MISC CHANGES
 /_    _\    o PKENABLE also enables your pkok switch
   |  |      o Spirit req changes for spellwords added.
   |  |      o Puts in a % chance of CONFIG_AUTORUSH actually working.
   |  |        Iron will has a chance to improve success as well.
   |__|      o Shopkeepers that stock objects that have random descs will
    /\         now sell all of the type they load with and show in list.
   /  \        It will likely change the next time the mob loads.
  /    \     o You should now be able to BUY, SELL, PREVIEW, VALUE, and
 /_    _\      HAGGLE and list items in different currencies. Be sure to
   |  |        look carefully at the list of items for the actual currency
   |  |        at the top.
   |  |      o Change to ironwill stuff: more removal of extra skill
   |__|        messages, small change to damage bonus for str, increase in
    /\         stun duration for ironwill para warcry.
   /  \     
  /    \    
 /_    _\                       HELP FILE UPDATES
   |  |     
   |  |     General Topics:
   |  |        PKE
   /  \                           AREA UPDATES 
  /    \    
 /_    _\   Paul in the Wild Boar Tavern (OOC) will be offering skill
   |  |     reimb packages for another two weeks until June 13th, 2003.
   |  |     There are three options to choose from: INSPIRE, BOWMAN and
   |  |     CHANT which take all the appropriate skills if known. All 1st
   |__|     circle spellwords are reimbed at 1 practice per word and all
    /\      2nd circle words wil be reimbed 2 practices. ASK PAUL UNLEARN
   /  \     for character specific info.
  /    \    
 /_    _\                         SUMMER ODYSSEY
   |  |                         ANCIENT ERA UPDATES
   |  |     
   |  |     If you want to suggest specific improvements or new additions
   |__|     to existing areas please don't hesitate to submit them on the
    /\      idea/bug/typo channels or drop mudmail to the builder
   /  \     currently responsible for the area (check AREAINFO to find
  /    \    out!) And please don't limit your ideas and suggestions to
 /_    _\   just these three months!
   |  |     
   |  |     ARABIAN NIGHTS
   |  |          Strings go to storage if you succumb to greed.
    /\      ANCIENT NAZCA
   /  \          Some additions to the Shaman.
  /    \    
   |  |          Minor bugs and typos fixed. Some acts clean up.
   |  |     
    /\                         Other Area Updates
   /  \     
  /    \    
 /_    _\   PORT OF LONDON
   |  |          A couple quick fixes for the postal worker and receiving
   |  |          mail from yourself.
   |  |     
    /\           Another change to the warlord.
   /  \     
 /_    _\        Minor bugs and typos fixed.
   |  |     
   |  |     
   |  |                    In Progress Area Updates
    /\      This section is intended to share what builders are working
   /  \     on behind the scenes. It is not a perfect record of progress
  /    \    as all builders do not commit updates every week. Badgering
 /_    _\   builders about their progress will get you flogged. 
   |  |     
   |  |             Kae           Larderello (Dante's Hell)
   |  |             LadyAce       Kleinstadt (Update)
   |__|             Piccolo       Ming Dynasty China

  ___                                                                  ___
  \  |----------------------------------------------------------------|  /
  /__|             Ancient Era Spotlight: Celtic Ireland              |__\

                          The Dow Jones Report

Prices of mutton finally stabilized and bandage prices rose slightly.
However, a shortage in glass vials has caused some druids to begin
importing cheaper stone versions of their mainstay. The Archdruid was
quoted as saying, 'We don't like doing it, but if we are going to keep up
with production needs we must start outsourcing.' Donnegal could not be
reached for comment. Leather goods faired better as well as non-armored
clothing. Manufacturers cite the mild winter and increased security around
the Dun for the softening in the armor sector. The leaders of the Weaver
and Tanner's Trade Union feel confident that first quarter growth should
continue well into the second quarter. While in attempt to stabilize
prices, blacksmiths have cut production by three percent. The service
industry got the shot in the arm it was looking for as marauding
competitors sought less competitive climates, leaving The Silverbranch to
capitalize on its monopoly. 

Consumer confidence is up, despite the existence of dubious gate taxes
that hinder the free market economy. All that aside, the future looks

This report was prepared for The Legendary Times by Dow Jones, Esq.

  _______   ____    _______
 /  ___  \ / __ \  /  ___  \  Logs of Q&A sessions are available on the
 | /   \ | \ \/ /  | /   \ |  web pages for those who are unable to attend
 | |   | |  \  /   | \___/ |  or had to leave early. The most recent ones
 | |   | |  /  \/\ |  ___  |  are listed on the sitemap page or you can
 | | /\| | / /\  / | /   \ |  get a complete list on the Q&A index page
 | \_\ \ | \ \/  \ | \   / |  at the url below.
  \___\/_/  \__/\/ \_/   \_|


                              RECENT TOPICS

 o Spell Word Spirit Reqs?                 o Shooting With Vehicles?
 o More on Spell Word Spirit Reqs          o Shooting Changed Recently?
 o Allskills & Unlearnable Skills?         o Spell Word Spirit Reqs Again
 o Forcing Chars into Classes?             o Fighters Get All the Changes?
 o Engraving Runes & Attributes on Items?  o Barkskin Changes?
 o Charmies Can't Be Ordered Through?      o Details on Mana Conservation?
 o Charmy Problem on PK Port?              o And Spirit Reqs Again
 o Changes to Autorush?                    o Doppels & Master's Skills?
 o Problem with Charmy Limits?             o What's Mana Conservation?
 o Why no HP Chalices?                     o How about Asst GMs?
 o Autorush & Mobs?                        o Level 50 Mobs: Stats & Tactics?
 o General Suggestions/Questions
___                                                                    ___
\  |------------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|      LEGENDITES: Information Regarding the People of Our World   |__\

              Romaltha has reached 100 million experience!


                          Lost and Found

I my many wanderings recently i came across a rather rare work that
someone seems to have lost. If you have recently lost something of value
to you (OOC read - String ;) ) then please mail me with the details and I
will return it to you.


Lady Emrysia O'Cuinn Royce

     ___                                                          ___
     \  |--------------------------------------------------------|  /
     /__|                      Clan News                         |__\

The Legends of Alasea clan was disbanded for low membership on May 27th, 2003.


        The Institute of Healing Arts Celebrates 2nd Anniversary

Congratulations to The Institute of Healing Arts as they celebrated the
2nd year of their founding on May 28th under the free-forming clans system.

The Institute's purpose is to educate and promote the healing arts, in all
disciplines, and encourage proper use to the benefit of all. We accept all
worthy applicants who have a disctinctive character.

They are currently accepting applications for students. Contact our
HeadMistress Emrysia or Assistant HeadMistress MoiraGwyn for more info.

   For more information about this clan of Legend, contact their GM
 Lady Emrysia O'Cuinn Royce or any other members, check out the CLANS
       command, or try a search for INSTITUTE on the web pages:
(http://www.legendmud.org/sitemap.html and enter keywords in the SEEK box).


       L|J(_)            Lawrence Windstrom, knight in disgrace, has 
   )    | (")      (     been seen wandering, asking people whether 
   ,(.  |`/ \- y  (,`)   they'd seen the notoriously creative Briarwen
  )' (' | \ /\/  ) (.    of late. One might only wonder if the ex-knight
(' ),) | _W_   (,)' ).   haven't had enough of being in disgrace yet.
  A Hot Line From Hell
                         People everywhere have been asking themselves
of late which king exactly the so-called Wardens of the King rally to
protect; is His Majesty's life indeed in so much danger from his
supposedly loving subjects that his identity needs to stay hidden, or is
simply that they haven't elected one yet?

Sister Trinity d'Arpajon announced an unexpected leave from service in
the Knights Templar, for reasons private to her. Leadership of the
Knights Templar has been returned to Tancred de Gisborne of Nottingham,
founder of the clan. Whether any drastic changes of policies are about to
happen remains to be seen; it'd be reasonable to assume that the Templars
are once again recruiting, however.


There are currently 22 RP clans and 2 PK clan. This leaves open slots
for eight (8) more clans to form. For more information, read HELP CLAN and
see the clan information list via the CLANS command while logged into the
game. For a basic handbook and reference guide for players interested in
starting and running a clan, we recommend that before you even type FORM,
you visit: http://www.legendmud.org/Reference/gm.html.

     ___                                                          ___
     \  |--------------------------------------------------------|  /
     /__|                    The PK Front                        |__\

                 More on that Grendel with a Heart...

A while back we reported how the Grendel Stigmata was seen sparing young
Mallory's life after a little skirmish. This was supposedly a stain on
the Grendel's reputation and he has now washed it off.

This week, the little girl was awaiting mail at the postal office in
London, when the Grendel snuck up on her and attacked her. He did run off
rather fast, seemingly content to have delivered a warning to the child
not to spread tales about his goodness. However, seemingly the child then
discovered some candy missing (whether or not this is true, your guess is
as good as mine) and ran after the Grendel. Accusations filled the air
and soon they were fighting again and this time, Mallory did not emerge
in good health.

But alas, if a Grendel cannot beat up a kid, they would not be much of a
threat, now would they?


The Wardens of the King had the most active members involved in pkill this
week, with the Grendels coming in a close second. Vae Victis and the
Necromancers each had a pair of members out on the pk front this week. The
Knights Templar, Seven Circles, Infernals, Grand Coven, Syndicate and the
Knights of Legend all had a single member representing them this week in at
least one pkill skirmish.


In the past week there were 46 pk-related deaths involving 31 different
characters. Of those 31 characters, 15 of them were accept all at the
time. There were 15 pke vs pke battles that ended in death. There are 29
PKE characters total. So come on, let's get YOUR name up in lights! We
can't report on it if you don't tell us about it!

If you witnessed or commit any glorious or nefarious deeds, send a short
report to us at the LT. If you are looking for a fight, recruiting, or
anything else related to PK (not necessarily PK Clan related), send it
in! It's free AND you'll get a prize token! Be a celebrity, the envy of
all your friends! Tick off your enemies or just tell your side of the
story! The possibilities are endless -- act today!!
             /                       \
        o O | Wonder what folks are   |
  `\|||/    | doing over at LegendMUD?|
   (o o)     \_______________________/

          Chapter 19 section 3 of 'The unholy war' By Destroyer.
                       The war of the Worlds.

The line of battle streched for miles, Destroyer could not see them all
amungst the trees but she new they we there. Hundreds of thousands of
Men, Ogier, Elves, Dwarves, Beasts of all kinds, dragons soured through
the air, lighting the sky with the sun shining off the metalic scales.
Around her the Army of the Walkers stood stairing ahead, waiting for what
they knew would come.

Destroyer peered through the trees ahead of here, any moment they will
come through those trees like a flood to kill us all. 'Soldeirs ready'
Destroyer screamed the order so all could here.

Through the trees the came a great rumble, then the sound of guttural
voices coming from almost every direction. I shiver went up Destroyers
back as the great army poked its front line through the trees. Millions
of Drow and Trollocs lined the forest. The army was a black mass of death
and destruction.

The sound of Swords leaving there sheaths made a loud clutter of scaping
sounds. Destroyer peered from side to side, around her stood people she
did not know, Legends actuallly walked, Keloundrss the magnificent stood
with her large two bladed sword pointing to the oncoming army. Around her
stood verious other legends making a small regement of soldiers. They
would all more than likly die here to be remembered in other Legends that
will soon fold to myth.

'Advance, for the heart of all light and what is good and great, advance
and do not be careless with your lives, this is the last battle, you are
already legend now all you have to do is live' With that said the front
lines charged in followed by all the others.

The men and woman that fought screamed 'For the love of the light' or
'For mistress Destroyer and the love of the light', they had no clue of
what they faced.

As the struck the front line of the drow and trolloc and other beasts the
Army almost fell apart. The enemys force was great, Trolloc died by the
thousands as did human and elves alike, the clash lasted a few moments
before the skys began to rain fire on the army of the dark.

The dragons shot fire and ice friezing the enemy where they stood or
reducing them to large piles of ashes.

Destroyer slashed this way and that, she slashed in every direction but
no matter with the force of the dark still came, it seemed nonstop, she
had numerous wounds all over her body, but nothing bad to kill her, still
she bled and almost her whole body was covered. She did not have time to
seek the Winds to heal her, but she slashed and cut, stabbed and
thrusted, meanwhile the pile of corpses seemed to grow around her.

Finally after a relentless assult of dragons and people of all races, the
horde of evil began to retreat. Having only a moment to think Destroyer
ducked under a slash that was meant for her head and a stab to the side,
and a club from the other. On instinked her blade snaked out slashing a
lone drow across the ribes while decapitating the beast with the spear,
she twisted and flew kicking the large trolloc in the chin, it dropped to
the ground, she used her sword like an axe severing the creatures head
from its thick neck.

All down the lines that battle had quit, but only for a moment. Having
time to heal herself she did, then called for the archers to advance,
Arrowed filled the air with her order, falling down amungst the trees, a
few thuds where heard with the sound of screams and guttural curses
coming from guttural voices. The Walkers gathered around gathering all
the Winds they could, they added all nine elements, Earth, Air, Fire,
Water, Ice, Holy, Darkness, Courage, and Lightning. The ground in the
forest began to errupt in fountains of flame, rocks, trees, and earth.
Still raining arrows into the forest, Destroyer called a halt to the
walkers and the archers.

'Attack, and spare nothing' Destroyer screamed, at the moment she saw
every face go grim, the dragons began to land.

One very large golden dragon landed in front of her. 'My Lady Destroyer,
what do you command' the large dragons voice sounded like the distant
boom of thunder.

'Charge forward go for the leaders, leave no survivors, and bring me Nae'
Acans corpse to me, it must be Destroyed totally, it must be erased from
time itself' she sounded like an old historian, but she didnt care this
would be the last battle or she would die making it that.

                  Excerpt from Zane's private journal:

I was wrong. Turns out I was buried this time after all. This raises more
questions. Who dug me up? Why? How did I get to that hospital? All this
definitely means that someone out there knows about my NDEs, and has a
vested interest in keeping me above ground. I have no idea who that might
be. When I thought I felt that last death coming on, I severed as many
ties as I could. Someone out there must remember me, and that's got to be
someone very clever indeed. I'm a touch concerned...

I was right about my eyes. They're pretty much shot. Everything's grainy,
everything looks too far away. It's driving me nuts. The worst part is,
my gunslinging days are most assuredly over. I couldn't hit the broad
side of a barn with a basketball at any kind of range. Thankfully, I've
come back much stronger this time, so I'm not completely helpless, but it
does mean I have to fight in close. I don't like that one bit.
Thankfully, I'm still just as quick as I've always been. I'm still very
good at running away.

I lied when I said there should be no one left who remembers me. Lorenzo
remembers me, and for that I am very thankful. We were good friends a
long time ago, and it's nice to know he's still around. He helped me get
back on my feet when I was still adjusting to living again. I am very
much in his debt. It makes me wonder what's happened to McDougan, though.
I can't imagine he'd just disappear, but I haven't seen him. I'll
definitely be hunting for him in my spare time. I liked him.

It still bothers me, knowing that someone dug me out of the ground. That
doesn't make any sense. I've been buried before, that much wouldn't be
enough to surprise me, but who exhumes corpses and inters them in
hospitals? I thought I'd covered my tracks better than that. I'm going to
have to be more careful. There are those who hunt the undead, and it
would not be too much of a stretch for myself to be classified as such...


        Royal Damsel in Distress Bares Nearly All Near Agrabah

'Korgan, are you sure we should stop here?' MoiraGwyn was restless and
wanted to continue on to Agrabah.

She surveyed the Inn, its seedy clientelle making her all the more

A flash of light blinded the room, her fingers grasped for Korgan's arm
as the room reeled.

'Korgie, look out!!'

Darkness ensued.

MoiraGwyn stirred, unsure how long she had been laying there. Her eyelids
fluttered as she tried to sit up, her head swimming.

'Are you ok?'

She looked up into the concerned face of Korgan and an old friend,
Kritter. The castle's smith looked worse for wear for seemed alive at

'What happened...' She rested a hand to her head, a dull throb remaining.
'There was this sudden-'

'Don't ask,' Korgan motioned for her to look at herself. Nothing but
silken undergarments remained.

'Oh, bloody hell!' Her cheeks flushed angrily.

Korgan hung his head, muttering apoligies but she knew he wasn't to

'MoiraGwyn... Think of this as a way to update your wardrobe perhaps?'
Kritter was trying to be helpful.

'My wedding ring!' She examined her fingers and head for the first time.
'My crown! WHERE is my crown! And... and my favorite old duffel bag. Oh my
stars, WHERE are the children! And Sparky!!'

She started to stand, sheer panic rising inside of her.

'It's ok!' Korgan held her to her, resting her on a nearby bench. 'Sparky
chased down some people and managed to get back a few of your things...
The kids are fine, we moved them to safety. Shh, it's ok MG. I promise.'

He looked so concerned she stopped to worry about him. It must have been
quite a scuffle.

She leaned back against the inn wall, turning to rest the side of her
face to it. The smoothness of the wood felt comforting to her cheek but
did little to soothe the loss she was feeling over the majority of her

'Where is the snake?'

Korgan couldn't meet her gaze.

'The bird? What about my lemur?'

The room was still and silent. MoiraGwyn closed her eyes quietly.

'My gold ring from Rowane as well..?' Her words were but a whisper. 'My
stone vials and that beautiful letter from him and...'

Korgan and Kritter exchanged looks.

'MoiraGwyn, let's work on what you might need. The sooner we make a list,
the sooner we can have you dressed and battle-ready. Come on?'

With a quiet nod the Queen stood and mustered as much esteem as she

'I'm finally a damsel in distress, where the heck is Robar when he's actually
needed?' They all laughed.

The three exited the inn and headed towards some crossroads, a salamander
in a crown of leaves running to catch up with them.


                      Pain of Loss.. Chapter 1

My name is Enhander, and this is my story. If you would take but a short
while to listen to it, I am sure that you will understand my pain.

When I was a young man by the age of 18 I had a beautiful wife, Illiakur,
and a 9 month old son, Tarius. As many newlyweds, we had a magnificent
home, as well as a stable financial base. I was in the Saiyan army,
raising rank and gaining the trust of my superiors day by day. We had 4
classes of soldiers: Royal, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. I was considered a 2nd
Rank soldier, soon to be promoted to 1st Rank. I enjoyed my life and had
no regrets. As things work, nothing stays the same. I was at home early
one night when I received a call to arms. The 'commander and chief' so to
speak, of the Saiyan army had turned his back on us and was attack the
planet as a whole. Personally, I knew this was going to happen. As did a
few others, including Bardock, a 1st class warrior. as I left to go
fight, the last words my wife said were 'Please come back to me, I Love
You.' Of course in my mind, I was coming back. My job was to protect the
Saiyan people, and my family. I was not on the battle field for more than
10 minutes when I felt a sudden pain in the back of my head, and then
there was darkness. My vision was blurred by what I saw before I passed
out completely was one thing that I will never forget. Freiza destroyed
my planet. My home. There was nothing left, as I laid in the ship that I
was in, a faint image of my wife and son faded in my mind, and then out,
as I was succumbed by darkness. Upon awake, I was startled to see a older
looking gentleman inspecting my craft. I quickly darted up to stop him,
as I thought I was dreaming and was still on my Planet fighting. Seconds
before I reached him I stopped dead. This was not my planet. I seen the
fear in this mans eyes. Saiyans do not fear death. I suddenly slumped to
the ground. The old man soon walked over and began to speak.

Old Man: 'Ar...Are you alright sonny?'

I uncertainly shook my head yes.

Old Man: 'Why don't ya come inside and I'll have my wife prepare
something to eat. Then you can tell me how you got here.'

I nodded, stood, and followed the old man into the small wood house that
was build on the mountainside.

Old Man: 'I see that your tired, why not rest first, and when ya wake, my
wife will have food prepared.'

Again I nodded and soon slipped into a peaceful yet uncertain slumber.

                         To Be Continued...


                          Fire and Dreams

The small boy lay sleeping, his hand clenched tightly around the neck of
a now ragged knight doll. He slept soundly, but made noises, as if he
were talking in his sleep. 'You are so much like you father.. he talks in
his sleep as well, and I think that I am glad that I can not fully
understand either of you,' the lovely young woman chuckled quietly as she
bent and kissed his forehead softly. 'How did I get lucky enough to have
you two in my life?'  She quietly straightened the boy's room up and then
sat down in the rocking chair her husband had bought her and smiled as
she watched him sleep. She wondered if they would again be blessed by the
gods with another little one as she rubbed the baby blanket against her
face. Her son had made her feel alive again, even more than when she
first felt the love of her husband. They had so much love to give that if
they did not have another child their son would die from getting too much
love. She chuckled as she thought it, of course she knew that there was
no such thing as too much love, but that was the amount of love she had
to give. She slowly stood and made her way back to the common room of
their cottage and poured herself a glass of wine from a bottle a young
squire had given her, and sat on the red woolen rug that lay in front of
the fire. She loved sitting in front of the fire, and today it seemed to
be almost calling to her. She smiled as she listened to the quiet of the
cottage. it was not always so quiet. Her husband's voice easily filled
the room, even when he was not shouting about knights and other things
that had gotten his temper up, and their son was a tempest of energy that
did not seem to stop until everything was in disarray, and then he would
sleep and look innocent, leaving her to clean it up. Well, today her
husband was fishing with the man who was as a father to him, and he son
was sleeping soundly. She decided to indulge herself and stretched out on
the rug and stared at the fire, slowly seeping into a lethargic state of
blissful relaxation....

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