Volume Twelve Issue Three

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 ............./      /            THE LEGENDARY TIMES
 ............/      /         http://www.legendmud.org/
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 ....../      /_____/__/__../  \_\  /./  /__../  /.../  /./  /_/  /
 ...../ Celebrating    / /./       /./     /./  /.../  /./       /
 ..../ our 11th year  /_/..\______/./_____/./__/.../__/./_______/ MUD
 .../________________/      running on         mud.legendmud.org 9999
 VOLUME TWELVE, NUMBER THREE                        February 16, 2005

Editor's Note:

This issue of the LT is devoted to a few operational changes which
have occurred on Legend recently. Particularly if you've been away
or haven't caught the discussions on the boards, please take a look.
Some events information is also included at the end -- don't miss the 
Expies later on today (Thursday)!

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
                          Kaige Steps Down
                   Some Frequently Asked Questions
                   Charting a Course for the Future 
                     LegendMUD Calendar of Events

  ___                                                               ___
  \  |-------------------------------------------------------------|  /
  /__|                      Kaige Steps Down                       |__\
(reprinted from the welcome board, 2/7/2005)
The time has come for me to step down as imp. This has not been an easy
decision to make. I know that I'm letting many people down, but too many
aspects of this labor of love have become "decidedly unfun" and have
progressed far beyond that "feels like dreaded work" stage in a volunteer
job that is adversely affecting my health for me to continue right now.

I hope to still be involved on the building and coding (at least as it
supports building) side of things. The level of my involvement will
really depend on my health because even with medication, my blood
pressure has not been under control.

I can never give enough thank you's to those (past, present and future)
who support and believe in LegendMUD's potential as not just as a game,
but also as a community and strive to achieve it and for what this place
and the many friendships made here but that also extended beyond the mud
itself have meant to me over the last decade. Those of you who take the
time to say thanks and show your appreciation and love of the game, you
are the ones who make labors of love like LegendMUD worth while.

[email protected]
[email protected]

  ___                                                               ___
  \  |-------------------------------------------------------------|  /
  /__|               Some Frequently Asked Questions               |__\
(reprinted from the welcome board)

Dear All,

I think that everyone will agree that Kaige's departure is a terrible loss
for Legend, and one we will feel for a long time to come. There are some
posts on discussion if you would like to add your thoughts and questions
about this topic, and we will be making some posts and announcements over the
next few days to keep you up to date. We may be a bit slow taking care of
issues as we adjust -- please be patient with us.

Some frequently asked questions:

Are we shutting down?
No, we're not shutting down.

Is the server with Kaige?
No, the server is with me in Chicago, with all and sundry paid up for the

What happens now?
We all pitch in and do our best to honor her hard work and your daily effort
to make Legend the best it can be. We mourn, we learn, we grow, we keep
going. Legend is not ultimately about the staff, areas, code, or events.

Every day I'm here, I see the spirit and energy and creativity and humor and
just plain awesomeness that keeps this game what it is.

It's you.

And as long as you are here, there will be staff here too, doing their best
for you.

Thank you.

  ___                                                               ___
  \  |-------------------------------------------------------------|  /
  /__|              Charting a Course for the Future               |__\

The immortal staff has spent much of the last week exploring our options, 
sharing our thoughts with each other, and making plans for the future. 
We have tried to share our news with you as much as possible as we go
about the difficult process of choosing our path for the future.

Our first priority has been to determine a new implementor. The basic process 
we followed was that the department heads to made a nomination and the staff 
voted to either ratify the nomination, or to reject it and request a new 
nomination. Accordingly, the department heads nominated Rufus to act as 
implementor together with Sandra (who was nominated by Huginn and LadyAce, 
since she can't technically nominate herself, but is still eligible for 

A staffwide vote was conducted over the course of several days, and the 
nomination was ratified.  Rufus and Sandra are our new implementors, and we 
welcome them!

It is reasonable to expect that the next few months will bring a few changes 
to Legend. Two of the four department head positions are vacant, and Rufus 
and Sandra will be carefully considering the best way to fill those 
positions. However, much will remain the same -- our commitment to you, the 
players, is undiminished. The code, areas, and environment will continue to 
be the very best we know how to provide. 

You will hear more announcements over the next few weeks on these topics.
We sincerely hope that you will not hesitate to share your questions, 
thoughts, and feedback about these changes and transitions as well as 
anything else on your mind!

___                                                                        ___
\  |----------------------------------------------------------------------|  /
/__|  LegendMUD Calendar of Events                                        |__\
          [All times are system time unless otherwise specified]

Thursday,   February  17th,    8:00 pm    The 2004 Expies Ceremony
Sunday,     February  20th,   2pm-10pm    PK BattleZone
                               4:00 pm    Trivia Challenge w/LadyAce (9 of 10)
Thursday,   February  24th,    7:30 pm    Q&A in the OOC Auditorium
Sunday,     February  27th,   2pm-10pm    PK BattleZone
                               4:00 pm    Trivia Challenge w/LadyAce (10 of 10) 
Tuesday,    March      1st,   11:59 pm    Immortal Applications due!

For more information on the immortal application process, see the apps at:

The due date for imm apps is March 1st. Be sure to talk with the dept head 
of the dept you wish to apply for, or any dept head available.
